Robust Features of NextWoo

Use and enjoy the exclusive features of the most powerful woocommerce page builder plugin NextWoo. Empower your WooCommerce site by creating stunning pages that enhance user experience, drive sales, and leave a lasting impression.


Available Templates For Pages

You can create templates for Single Products, Shop layout, Archive Layout, Checkout, My Account, Cart, Related product and more WooCommerce pages. You can create templates according to your requirements.

create templates
Design Preset
Design Preset

Set preset woo templates by one click

The powerful woocommerce page builder plugin NextWoo provides preset templates for pages. That means you can access templates of multiple pre-build designs. To access any design you don’t have to go through any lengthy process. You just have to choose a design and make a click on a required button.

Editor Flexibility

Build templates with Elementor & Gutenberg

The best woocommerce page builder plugin NextWoo offers Elementor & Gutenberg to build or customize beautiful woo templates, there are 100+ Widgets and Blocks available for both Elementor & Gutenberg editors.

Editor Flexibility
Variable products
Product layout

Supports multiple product type

NextWoo is the most powerful woocommerce page builder plugin that supports multiple product types. Variable, grouped, subscription, simple products layout using Elementor or Gutenberg widgets are supported by the woocommerce product plugin.

Archive Builder

Create Flexible shop page templates.

Create an effective template that showcases all of your products using the Shop widgets. Add-on features: Quick View, Compare Button, Wishlist, Image Slider, AJAX add to cart method, and other features are not

Shop Builder
Checkout products
Checkout Builder

Create Checkout page template

You can customize your site’s checkout page template. Create a well-designed and eye-catchy checkout page which is fully covered with order review, billing, shipping and payments information. Always try to provide an easy to checkout process containing Checkout page for customers convenience.

Cart Builder

Built template for Cart page

Build your cart page template according to your needs. Organize and make the order details, cross-sell, empty cart message, and total amount widget in your cart page. Make the cart make the page more versatile and clear that represents all content and product correctly.

Cart Builder
Account Page
My Account

Create Account page Builder

Create a fully customizable My Account page for both new and registered users. Widgets are available for account page, such as Registration \ Login Form, Order, Download, Account Details, Dashboard, and so on.

Order / Thank Builder

Effective Success template

Build and provide a Thank You page which will appear after completing the purchasing process. The Thank You page will redirect after a successful purchase to convey the customer. You can easily create the Success page template which contains following formalities like order details, order, Customer Address Details, and more.

Success Page Builder
Quick Page
Quick View

Customize quick view template

Quick view page templates can also be customizable. You can create a particular template to create the quick view page to see the short information of products.

Related product

Building related product template

You can display the related product into a single product page. For this you are allowed to create related product templates using shop layout into a single product page.

Related Builder

Exclusive Features of Variation swatches

Seamlessly customize your pages, showcase your products beautifully
and dominate your market.

Button Label Variation Swatches

Button or Label Variation in Detail Page

You can set the Button/Label in each product details page as you required. So pick any Button or Label for your individual product description page to make it more relevant.

Selected Attribute on a Single Page in the Archive or Shop

Each product has a number of swatch attributes. We offer the choice to choose only one attribute rather than showing them all on the shop page. You can highlight a single quality or several.

Archive page

Radio Variation Swatches in Detail Page

You can set the radio variation swatches in the product detail page. You can select and showcase the radio variation swatches of your choice. And every product detail page will be more attractive and clear to understand.

Radio Variation Swatches
Variation Quick View

Variation Swatches in Quick View

You can turn on seeing product swatches in quick view lightboxes to enhance product views and purchases even more. As a result, there are numerous locations in your shop where clients can purchase goods.

Variation customization for each product

With WooCommerce variation swatches, you can modify variations on single products. So you can set a distinct variation for individual products.

Variation Customization Product
Color Variation Swatches

Color Variation Swatches in Detail Page

You can also set up the color variation in every product details page. It will provide a convenient way for customers to select products of required color.

Tooltip text on the product detail page

You could find that images and colors are insufficient. Text tooltips that thoroughly describe your goods increase customer engagement.

Text Tooltip Product

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