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How to Offload WordPress Media Files to Vultr: The Ultimate Guide

How to Offload WordPress Media Files to Vultr: The Ultimate Guide

If you are a WordPress user, you may know the necessity to offload WordPress media files. 

Website speed is essential for user experience and search engine rankings. One way to enhance your WordPress site’s performance is by offloading WordPress media files. 

Integrating S3-compatible storage, such as Vultr Object Storage, can dramatically improve your site’s speed by offloading files from your server to dedicated storage buckets.

In this blog, we’ll explore the advantages of offloading WordPress media files to Vultr. Also, we’ll show you how to offload media files to Vultr in 7 steps.

Let’s go ahead.

The Advantages of Offloading WordPress Media Files to Vultr Object Storage

Integrating S3-compatible storage with WordPress, Vultr can offer you numerous advantages. 
Let’s explore the advantages of integrating Vultr’s S3-compatible object storage with the WordPress website.

  • By offloading media files to Vultr Object Storage, you can reduce the load on your primary server. It also can ensure a smoother and more responsive browsing experience for your visitors.
  • Using S3-compatible plugins, you can integrate Vultr Object Storage to improve caching mechanisms. This leads to faster content delivery and reduced server load.
  • With Vultr Object Storage, files such as images, videos, and other media are downloaded directly from the storage bucket rather than your WordPress server. This reduces the strain on your web server, ensuring quicker access to your site’s resources.
  • Vultr Object Storage distributes the bandwidth load, so it is easier to handle traffic spikes and scale your website as needed. It helps maintain optimal server response times.
  • Storing your media files on Vultr Object Storage provides a reliable backup solution. You can quickly recover your files from the storage bucket, minimizing downtime and ensuring business continuity.
  • When uploading files to Vultr Object Storage, the transfer process bypasses the traditional directory structuring operations of the WordPress server. This supports faster file uploads. It also saves you time and improves workflow efficiency.
  • With Vultr Object Storage, you can share direct links to your media files, bypassing the default WordPress directory structure.
  • By shifting the storage and delivery of media files to Vultr Object Storage, your WordPress server can focus on handling dynamic content and database queries more efficiently. This improves a more balanced load distribution and better server performance.
  • As your website grows and attracts more traffic, Vultr Object Storage allows you to scale your media storage needs without compromising performance. You can easily increase your website storage capacity and handle higher traffic volumes.
  • Vultr Object Storage offers a cost-effective solution for managing your media files. By offloading large files from your primary server, you can reduce hosting costs and invest in other areas of your website’s development and growth.
  • Integrating Vultr Object Storage with your WordPress website not only optimizes performance but also provides a robust, scalable, and efficient solution for managing and delivering your media assets. 

How to Offload WordPress Media Files to Vultr Step-by-step?

Offloading WordPress media files to Vultr can help improve your website’s performance by reducing the load on your local server.  By uploading media including CSS and JavaScript files directly to the Object Storage Bucket, you’ll not only save valuable server space but also simplify the delivery of your site’s assets. 

To offload your media files to Vultr you need to go through some easy steps including creating an account, using an effective offloading plugin like Next3 Offlaod, etc. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to offloading your WordPress media files to Vultr.

Step 1: Set Vultr Object Storage 

Log in to your existing Vultr account. Go to the Object Storage section and create a new Object  Storage. Select the desired location and configure your settings.

After creating the Object Storage, get your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key from the Vultr Object Storage dashboard.

Manage Object storage

Image Source

Step 2: Create a Vultr Object Storage Bucket

To create a bucket in Vultr’s Object Storage, log in to the Vultr customer portal. Navigate to Buckets, and click Create Bucket to set up a storage container for your files. Click “Create Bucket,” pop-up and enter a name for your bucket​.

Create bucket

Step 3: Install and Configure a Plugin

To offload media files to Vultr using a WordPress plugin, you can use Next3 Offload. Here’s a simple setup guide:

To start, download Next3 Offload from its official page and install it on your WordPress site. After installation, activate the plugin.

Next, log in to your WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to the Plugins section, and follow the setup instructions provided.

Plugin tab

Then hit on the Add New Plugin button. 

Add new plugin

Navigate to the Upload Plugin option.

Upload plugin

Now, click on the Choose File option to upload the Next3 Offload plugin here.

Choose file

Navigate to the Install Now button (Here is the complete installation process).

Install now

Then, you need to activate the plugin.

activate license

Now, to access the plugin, you need to activate the license. Insert your collected license key in the field. Hit on the Activate License button.

activate license of next3 offload

After completing the installation and activation process, you can access the Next3 Offload dashboard. Here, you will find all the features and settings the plugin offers to manage and offload your media files to Vultr.

Step 4: Paste Credentials

Go back to the WordPress dashboard, where you can find the Next3 setup.

In this step of the Next3 setup process, you need to select “S3 Object Storage” from the provider’s section. This selection will enable you to configure the storage settings for offloading your media files.

Select provider

Now, enter your collected Access Key ID in the required field. This key is necessary to authenticate and connect your WordPress site to the S3 Object Storage.

Insert Access Key

Similarly, enter the collected Secret Access Key in the required field. This key, along with your Access Key ID, will authenticate and connect your WordPress site to the S3 Object Storage.

Insert Secret Key

Also, insert the collected Endpoint in the required field.

Insert Endpoint

After inserting all these credentials, click on the “Next” button to continue. This will take you to the next step of the setup process.


Step 5: Configure Storage Settings

After integrating Vultr with WordPress, it’s essential to configure all the fundamental features in the Storage Settings.

To do this, navigate to the WordPress Admin Dashboard, select the Next3 Offload option, and customize the basic storage settings according to your requirements.

Next3 offload tab

From the Next3 Offload control panel, You need to select Storage Settings.

Storage settings

Now, you can enable Offload media and Copy to local server options.

General Options

You can also enable the options for Setup Path and File Management.

For example, Add prefix to bucket path, Add year & month to bucket path, Add object version to bucket path, Rename files, Offload format to cloud etc.

Setup path and File management

Step 6: Delivery Settings

Now it’s time to select a provider to deliver your offloaded files. 

For this go to the Delivery Settings.

Delivery settings

Now, select a provider and enable any necessary basic functions.

Once these settings are configured, click on the Save Settings button to apply the changes.

 Select delivery provider

Step 7: Set Up The Offload Settings

Finally, you can set up the Offload Settings.

Navigate to the Offload Settings section in the Next3 Offload plugin to configure how your media files are handled and offloaded to your storage provider.

Offload Settings

You can now offload your existing media files by selecting the Offload Now button. This will allow you to offload all your media files in bulk, as well as offload individual files as needed.

Offload media files

You can also access features to restore offloaded files to local storage and clean up offloaded files from local storage.

These options are available within the Next3 Offload plugin, allowing you to manage your media files efficiently and ensure they are stored where you need them.

Offloading features

You can both offload existing CSS and JS files to the Cloud.

Offload CSS and JS files

That’s it! Your WordPress site is now integrated with Vultr, benefiting from improved performance, security, and reliability.

To optimize its performance further, regularly monitor your site’s performance and security settings through the Vultr dashboard.

Final Words

Integrating Vultr Cloud Storage to offload WordPress media assets offers several benefits. By leveraging Vultr’s secure and scalable cloud storage, you can maximize your WordPress website’s performance, reduce storage costs, and ensure reliable data durability.

Plugins like Next3 Offload make this integration easy, simplifying the process of organizing and transferring your media files to Vultr.

To develop a fast and optimized website, follow the instructions above to incorporate Vultr and offload your WP media files. A speedy website will help you engage with an increasing number of users.

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Mehrin Ferdous Meem
Written by

Mehrin Ferdous Meem

Mehrin is a content writer of ThemeDev who prefers to write about tech products, travelling, health, food, lifestyle, marketing, technology etc. She also works for creating video. She has completed her Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering. Her hobbies include blogging, reading, cooking etc.

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